Friday, November 24, 2006

still shouting and other holiday thoughts...

a house of the present... a house of the past...


... so yeah... double thanks to Laura and Andy again... especially after they brought down leftovers for dinner tonight...

love to...

Emily and Todd...
Anna and Mike...
Everyone in Florence, including Kritter...

now for the other thoughts...

nostalgia - a longing for a perceived past

holidays invoke the reconstructed past...

I'm working on a project that might be good...

we'll see...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving shout out...

I'm Thankful for the people who love me...

My family... (mother of course)... Chuck, Carey, Ms. Traina and Mr. Gams, Joy...

the folks upstairs (Laura and Andy) -- thanks for the delicious Thanksgiving... I'll never wear pants again that fit...

Kristen, Amanda...Ben... Hey Yianni too... Adam (I'm thinking of you!)... Alicia... Duane... David... Charisse...

My cousins... Chris S. especially...

Liberal Arts Folks...

Thanks Rita for all the support...

Whoever hired me!!!

Oh hey, that includes Phillip... thanks Phillip for everything you've done for me.

and fur people too...

so loved...

William, Sam, and Lucy...
Abby and Stella...
All the Traina/Gams monsters...